Parent's Night Out 2-21-25

Parent's Night Out 2-21-25

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We are pleased to offer an evening of pizza and fun for your kids (costumes encouraged). On February 21st from 5:00 PM to 8:30 PM.

We will have 2 rooms set up. A play room and a video room. The play room will have chess, UNO and other more active games that we play in class. In the video room kids can play with devices and watch a movie. We plan to show the movie "3 Ninjas". We will serve water, juice and pizza for dinner. Caique Jiu-Jitsu's Parents' Night Out welcomes all children between the ages of 6-14 and no previous martial arts experience is required.


A lot of planning goes into to this so we please ask that you register at least 24 hours before the event. Those who sign up at least 1 week early (by February 14th) will get $5 to $10 off of the prices below.

1st kid $40, 2nd $35, 3rd kid $30, 4th kid $25

At the door- $45/kid


Does my kid need prior training to join the fun?

-No prior training necessary, P.N.O. is open to non members with no prior experience.

What should the kids wear and what should they bring?

-Kids should wear comfortable clothes and they can bring a blanket or sleeping bag and a pillow.